Constructed Criticism 239: Using Your Mana (Vintage Week)

This week on Constructed Criticism Spencer is out sick but Matt and Michael return to audio first versions of the show. Talking about Vintage and using your mana.

Follow Spencer on Twitter at: @Spencer13H
Follow Michael on Twitter at: @MagicMikeMTG
Follow Matt on Twitter at: @thewitchkling

Common Knowledge 28: C19 M19 Set Review

This week on Common Knowledge Lobbert and Brandon review M19!


Show Twitter: @CKPodcastMTG

Brandon Twitter: @bClarke_CK

Lobbert Twitter: @Lobbert8
Lobbert Youtube:

Common Knowledge 27: June Power Rankings

This week on Common Knowledge Lobbert and Brandon dissect the format!


Show Twitter: @CKPodcastMTG

Brandon Twitter: @bClarke_CK

Lobbert Twitter: @Lobbert8
Lobbert Youtube:

The Future of the Constructed Criticism and the Network

Hello Everyone!

I want to start this update with something I said last week.


All of this still rings true today. Every single host and co-host of Constructed Criticism and Limited Time Only is fully equiped to help you get better at the game. All 6 of them have qualified for Pro Tours, Cashed GPs, Cashed SCGs, many have won State Championships, attained Silver Pro Status, and more.

However due to a ton of listener feedback we are changing some things about the the network that I think will make the listeners really happy. We will no longer be doing live shows.

During the last little while CCMTG and LTO have not grown at the rate it had in the past. The most common pieces of feedback is that people have issues with the disruption the live shows cause as well as the suffering of the audio quality and production value. Even more than that some say the show has gotten less professional and the content has suffered.

What does this mean for you the listener?  It means better content. We will go back to fully editing the show and take a more hands on approach the content and what we are presenting to the world. You will still be able to find the podcast in all your favorite places.

Our website:


Youtube: (Without the live content and it will just be the audio. Except Common Knowledge which will stay the same)

The Mana Base:

And on ITunes each and every week.

What does this mean for the Youtube Content and the Twitch content? It means we will still be looking to expand that. We are looking for a Twitch Streamer to take part in the network and stream at least 3 times a week. We will also continue Constructed Clash, Weekly Deck Techs, and Wednesday Night Warrior on the Youtube Channel.
What does this mean for Mason? Mason will no longer be the Technical Producer of Constructed Criticism and Limited Time Only. We will be finding other roles for him to do within the Network. I firmly believe that when you have great people you never let them go. You just find new ways to use them and make them impactful.

We look forward to these future changes and bringing you the best audio content in Magic: the Gathering. I fully believe by making these changes and going to a more heavily produced audio show we can get back the reasons people started listening to begin with and grow the shows and network to new heights.

Thanks a ton for watching and listening everyone. It means the world to me.

We’ll see you next week.

Spencer Howland
Heezy Game Media

Basics of Draft in Magic: The Gathering: Wednesday Night Warrior

This week on Wednesday Night Warrior Spencer goes over some basics of Drafting with some quick tips.

Follow Spencer on Twitter at: @Spencer13H

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