Ending the Think Twice Stream

Hello Everyone!

I come to you today with some sad news.

I have decided to end the Think Twice Stream. I really appreciate Quentinn and Austin and their willingness to do such a fun thing with me each week, but I have informed Quentinn that I can no longer stream weekly.

I do a lot of Magic content.

Constructed Criticism 
Limited Time Only Live

Youtube Content
Wednesday Night Warrior
Deck Techs 
Testing Videos 

I love making this content and interacting with people who love the content. However I have a full time job in software/product and I have a wife and kid. I don’t have the time to do all the content I want to make. I thought a lot about this and the amount of work I need to put into making the stream as awesome as my podcasts is just too much work for the time being.

I really want to spend more time with my family as I am just getting this opportunity to watch my new born son grow and I want to enjoy this time more with my wife.

I hope you can all understand and if you have any feedback I am happy to hear it. We will be making an effort to make those testing videos more regular and I will still stream when I can it just wont be weekly anymore.

Thank you everyone for your support of my content and I look forward to continuing to be #AlwaysImproving

Spencer Howland
Constructed Criticism

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