Homeward Path 132: Play or Draw Pt 3 – Reactive Perspective

Unlike their proactive peers, a reactive pilot has less decisions to make in how to play, instead focusing on what to play, when on the play vs the draw. Let’s take a look through their eyes!

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Homeward Path 131: Play or Draw Pt2 – Proactive Perspective

There’s no bigger difference between win rates than with a proactive deck on the play or draw. Today we explore the difference in gameplay between those roles through their lens, trying to maximize our ability to sieze the initiative.

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Homeward Pathfinders at https://www.facebook.com/groups/215817695872182/

Homeward Path 129: Complex Problems, Simple Solutions

It’s easy to make mistakes in Magic, from deckbuilding to gameplay, but our goal in any matchup needs to be clear: Keep things as simple as possible for us, and complex as possible for the opponent!

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YouTube at: Homeward Path Gaming

Add Adam on Arena at: HomewardPath#86700

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Homeward Pathfinders at https://www.facebook.com/groups/215817695872182/

Homeward Path 128: Treasury Department

Treasures are a relatively new mechanic, but that hasn’t stopped Wizards from really flexing their design muscles with just how to use them! Let’s look at all the different things Treasures bring to the table!

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Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/HomewardPathMTG

YouTube at: Homeward Path Gaming

Add Adam on Arena at: HomewardPath#86700

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Homeward Pathfinders at https://www.facebook.com/groups/215817695872182/

Homeward Path 127: Let’s NOT Do the Time Warp Again

Taking extra turns feels like a cool mechanic that’s perfect for Standard. I’m telling you from experience: We don’t need to keep printing generic, splashable Time Walks, as they just don’t lead to positive gameplay experiences.

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Need Arena codes? Check out our affiliate: https://www.grayvikinggames.com?sca_ref=610290.Ws5Yx1KUAe

Follow Adam at: @HomewardPathMTG

Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/HomewardPathMTG

YouTube at: Homeward Path Gaming

Add Adam on Arena at: HomewardPath#86700

Join our facebook group:
Homeward Pathfinders at https://www.facebook.com/groups/215817695872182/