Friday Finance – Pro Tour Ixalan Part 1 – Seal It

Friday Finance – Pro Tour Ixalan Part 1 – Seal It

Hello hello hello and welcome to Friday Finance here on the Constructed Criticism network. This week we will be looking at whether sealed product is still the sure financial dunk it used to be. Then we will have the returning Promising Pickups. Just want to throw out that the Patreon ( is still live, but a weekly video series is making good steps towards getting closer to release.
Before we start, I just want to apologise. This article was written last week and it was only when it got to Monday for me to start writing the next I realised that I never actually published it. So to apologise, there will be an article every day of this Pro Tour weekend.
Lets get it going.

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Friday Finance – Bulk It Off

Friday Finance – Bulk It Off

Hello hello hello and welcome to Friday Finance here on the Constructed Criticism network. I first would like to explain my absence. I try and write these articles as close to the deadline as possible for the simple fact, I want to give you the most up-to-date information in regard to picks. It’s of no use to anyone if my information is a week out of date and the cards have already spiked. Unfortunately, every time I sit down to write something has come up. There has been bereavement, hospital trips and various work issues. However, I’ve decided to take a new method of content creation that will hopefully avoid these issues. So I aploigise for the lack of content these last weeks, something I feel like I’m doing more and more often. I hope this is the last time.
This week we will be discussing the idea that bulk is hard work and not worth your time and effort. We then move onto the potential movers and shaker. I also just want to throw out that the Patreon is still live, with a weekly video series is making good steps towards getting closer to release. Lets get it going.

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Friday Finance – Crack-a-box

Friday Finance – Crack-a-box

Hello hello hello and welcome to Friday Finance here on the Constructed Criticism network. This week we will be delving back into the world of product cracking and looking at what happens when you do. I will then throw out a few picks that I am liking this week as well as a few that have unfortunatley already popped off, but I will talk about that later. Lets get it going.

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Friday Finance – The Reincarnation of EDH Finance

Friday Finance – The Reincarnation of EDH Finance

Hello hello hello and welcome to Friday Finance here on the Constructed Criticism network. This week the discussion will focus on the new EDH pre-con decks that are being released and how the world of finance and speccing on EDH cards has had to adapt. We shall then discuss a few potential picks for the week before finally sharing the happening of week one in the United States. So let’s get started.

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Friday Finance – The Price Spike Rollercoaster

Friday Finance – The Price Spike Rollercoaster

Hello hello hello and welcome to Friday Finance here on the Constructed Criticism network. This week we will be discussing Price Spikes and why people are constantly saying “The second spike is always harder and faster”. We will be diving in and detailing why this happens and looking at ways we can work with this very real phenomenon and use it to our own benefit. Then we shall finish up with the returning Promising Pickups section, where I will give you my top picks of this week saving you from doing the leg work. So come on in and let’s get started.

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