Homeward Path 125: Making a Splash

Sometimes, your deck just isn’t doing what you want, and it’s time to consider adding a color. We’ll take a look at the main questions to ask before committing to that decision!

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Add Adam on Arena at: HomewardPath#86700

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Homeward Pathfinders at https://www.facebook.com/groups/215817695872182/

Homeward Path 124: Let the Midnight Hunt Begin

Standard has finally rotated, and I’ve had a solid week to let the new format marinate. Let’s put my first impressions on the record, and talk about where I see the format now, as well as some unexplored space moving forward!

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Need Arena codes? Check out our affiliate: https://www.grayvikinggames.com?sca_ref=610290.Ws5Yx1KUAe

Follow Adam at: @HomewardPathMTG

Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/HomewardPathMTG

YouTube at: Homeward Path Gaming

Add Adam on Arena at: HomewardPath#86700

Join our facebook group:
Homeward Pathfinders at https://www.facebook.com/groups/215817695872182/

Homeward Path 123: Common Misconceptions

Commons, especially in today’s game, get a bad rap. I’m here today to defend the honor of one of the most valuable assets in the budget deckbuilder’s toolkit! They may not drive pack sales or secondary market price spikes, but they’ve got a role to play!

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Need Arena codes? Check out our affiliate: https://www.grayvikinggames.com?sca_ref=610290.Ws5Yx1KUAe

Follow Adam at: @HomewardPathMTG

Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/HomewardPathMTG

YouTube at: Homeward Path Gaming

Add Adam on Arena at: HomewardPath#86700

Join our facebook group:
Homeward Pathfinders at https://www.facebook.com/groups/215817695872182/

Homeward Path 122: Quiet Speculation

MTG Finance can be a daunting thing to look into, but I’ll share some of the highs and lows of my time back with the game, and the lessons I’ve learned along the way!

Check out the content from our network sponsor at https://puremtgo.com/

Need Arena codes? Check out our affiliate: https://www.grayvikinggames.com?sca_ref=610290.Ws5Yx1KUAe

Follow Adam at: @HomewardPathMTG

Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/HomewardPathMTG

YouTube at: Homeward Path Gaming

Add Adam on Arena at: HomewardPath#86700

Join our facebook group:
Homeward Pathfinders at https://www.facebook.com/groups/215817695872182/

Homeward Path 121: I’m Feeling (20)22

Standard 22 is an interesting look into what the upcoming format may come to look like. Let’s peer through the curtain into the future, and take a long, hard look at cards that will likely come to define this new era of Standard!

Check out the content from our network sponsor at https://puremtgo.com/

Need Arena codes? Check out our affiliate: https://www.grayvikinggames.com?sca_ref=610290.Ws5Yx1KUAe

Follow Adam at: @HomewardPathMTG

Patreon at: https://www.patreon.com/HomewardPathMTG

YouTube at: Homeward Path Gaming

Add Adam on Arena at: HomewardPath#86700

Join our facebook group:
Homeward Pathfinders at https://www.facebook.com/groups/215817695872182/