Drafting Archetypes Episode 102: Red White in Brothers’ War

#MTG pro Sam Black sits down to discuss Boros in Brothers’ War #Draft

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Homeward Path 21: Managing Expectations

Adam is back, refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready for the new year! He looks at the interesting trend in card design from Guilds and Allegiences, before diving into managing your expectations of yourself. Are you setting yourself up for a feeling of failure? Are you feeling disappointed because you aren’t achieving results you’ve set for yourself? Adam talks about how he’s avoiding that going into a new year.

Follow Adam at: @HomewardPathMTG

Add Adam on Arena at: HomewardPath#86700

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Homeward Pathfinders at https://www.facebook.com/groups/215817695872182/

Even Odds Podcast 13: Spoilers from Ravnica Allegiance


This week on Even Odds we discuss some of the new spoiler cards and our thoughts on them so far!

Follow the show at: @EvenOddsPod
Follow Mason at: @MasonEClark
Follow Trey at: @TreyMC


Even Odds Podcast 12: Perception in Magic

This week on Even Odds we discuss how the way we perceive things effects your game in magic. Thanks for rolling with us

Follow the show at: @EvenOddsPod
Follow Mason at: @MasonEClark
Follow Trey at: @TreyMC