Limited Time Only 19: Combat Tricks in BFZ

LTO ImageThis week on Limited Time only Spencer and Drew go over the combat tricks in BFZ and where they place them in the format. They also go over this weeks #WhatsThePick discussing the listeners picks and what they would do.

Limited Time Only

Twitter @LTOMTG
Spencer @Spencer13H
Drew @MTGDrew

Link to Devionare’s (Spencer’s wife) crowd funding for her classroom

Constructed Criticism 110: Building a Gauntlet w/ Levels

tiny CCMTGOn this weeks episode of Constructed Criticism Spencer is once again joined by Matt and Manny to discuss Modern and what decks are doing well. They discuss their feelings of the format and how it looks before the likely bannings heading into the next Pro Tour. They also have a in depth on Building your Gauntlet while keep the “Levels” of the metagame in mind.

Twitter @CCMTG
Spencer: @spencer13h
Quentinn: @QuentinnPearce

iTunes: Click Here

Our goal is to always have Constructed Criticism be free of charge but we want to give fans who think what they hear is worth something a chance to contribute. So we have set up a Patreon page where you can go to support the cast. You can find the page here at

Limited Time Only 18: Saving Your Draft

LTO LogoThis week on Limited Time Only Spencer and Drew go over three specific strategies you can try an implement when your draft my be going in the wrong direction. They also go over this weeks #WhatsThePick discussing the listeners picks and what they would do.

Limited Time Only

Twitter @LTOMTG
Spencer @Spencer13H
Drew @MTGDrew