Constructed Criticism Invitational Series

Spencer Announces the Constructed Criticism Championship Series

Constructed Criticism Championship Series Open Prizes
1st $200 to Oasis Games and Trophy!
2nd $100 to Oasis Games
3rd-4th $50 to Oasis Games
5th-8th $25 to Oasis Games


Plus Top 8 Streaming:
Players will be allowed to stream the event up Until top 8 if they wish just by using a logo and title to promote the event (image will be provided by Constructed Criticism)

Top 8:
Each round of top 8 will have a feature match and a featured player who will be recorded by the coverage team Winners of each top 8 match will get a winners interview and every competitor in top 8 will get a deck tech interview through the next week or so.

Invitational and Open Dates TBD
Invitational Prizes TBD

Q1 Starts Early!!!!! First Event on November 23 Join the discord at

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